و هو الذى أرسل الرِّيٰح بُشْرا بين يدىْ رحمته
وأنزلنا من السماء ماء طهورا
لنحىِ به بلدة مَّيتا و نسقيه ممّا خلقنا أنعاما و أنا سىَّ كثيرا.
And He it is who sends forth the winds as a glad tiding of His Coming Grace and (thus too) We cause pure water to descend from the skies so that We may bring dead land to life thereby, and give to drink thereof to many (beings) of Our Creations, beasts as well as humans
Today is the day of rest before we head out to Mina tonight, insha Allah. I was just reading the above passage and thinking how appropriate these verses are in the context of the land we are in. The barren desert with rocks and mountains truly need the life giving rain water. We (I) don't truly appreciate it, living in Scotland.
And a remark by Shahidah a few days ago about the cool wind also comes to mind. In this area, the cool wind is a sign of His blessings and Grace. May He make this journey easy for us and grant us cool winds along the way. Ameen.
Maghrib has arrived and I have done my ghusl. Prayed qasr and jama'. Been trying to be quiet and focus. I guess I am not good at dzikr or reading the Qur'an consistently but I am trying. I am also reading the books I brought with me so that I can catch up on my readings and reflect. Perhaps that is the best I can do. Ya Allah, accept this hajj of mine.
There seems to be some confusion as to the salah for Ihram. Two questions that might help clarify matters:-
1. When the Prophet s.a.w. prayed two raka'ah at Bir-Ali (or other miqat), did there exist a mosque there already? Was his intention that of salah al-Masjid or for Ihram?
2. What did the Companions do after they came out of ihram and then went back into it when they did hajj tamattu' on the first and final hajj of the Prophet s.a.w.?
These questions should highlight if there is a salah specially for ihram. Will need to read up more on the hadiths and athars related to them.
And a remark by Shahidah a few days ago about the cool wind also comes to mind. In this area, the cool wind is a sign of His blessings and Grace. May He make this journey easy for us and grant us cool winds along the way. Ameen.
Maghrib has arrived and I have done my ghusl. Prayed qasr and jama'. Been trying to be quiet and focus. I guess I am not good at dzikr or reading the Qur'an consistently but I am trying. I am also reading the books I brought with me so that I can catch up on my readings and reflect. Perhaps that is the best I can do. Ya Allah, accept this hajj of mine.
There seems to be some confusion as to the salah for Ihram. Two questions that might help clarify matters:-
1. When the Prophet s.a.w. prayed two raka'ah at Bir-Ali (or other miqat), did there exist a mosque there already? Was his intention that of salah al-Masjid or for Ihram?
2. What did the Companions do after they came out of ihram and then went back into it when they did hajj tamattu' on the first and final hajj of the Prophet s.a.w.?
These questions should highlight if there is a salah specially for ihram. Will need to read up more on the hadiths and athars related to them.
good writeup Sid! it gave me a quick idea of what it is like to go on a Hajj. although i had to google some of the terms as i wasnt familiar with them. :P
Thanks, Alex.
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