Saturday 27 December 2008

Happy New Year

Back from London where I spent Christmas and Boxing Day. It's been a hellish day starting from last night (Boxing Day) where my friend, Nicole, and I found out that the railway from London to the airport was closed and if we had take the diverted route, we wouldn't have made it onto our plane. We then spent GBP 120 for a taxi to take us to the airport....OUCH!!! Okay, the plane ride was fine but when we came back to Edinburgh, guess what!? The bus wasn't working and we had to spend another GBP 17 for taxi (See how cheaper Edinburgh is?). Anyway, all right. This afternoon, I went to the store to buy grocery since Natascha's coming and my cupboard is bare. After shopping, I had to post the postcard for Umar and his siblings. Again, lady luck struck...I got back home and found I lost my wallet - credit card, debit card, student cards plus cash! Yeah, not enough that I had to fork out so much money the night before, now I can't get cash out for my trip to Dundee.

I'm really hoping the next few days till New Year will be better. Wishing all a Happy New Year...will update with pictures of Christmas in London when I'm more in the mood for it.

Wednesday 10 December 2008

Finally done with two assignments

Okay, I finally finished my Financial Risk Management assignment after working on it for so long - it was fun though as we were working on real data and were analyzing the current crisis in terms of risk management. We looked at a 5 day period in October when there were more than 5% gains and losses on the FTSE 100. Also tried to predict the VaR and Expected shortfall for some days in November. The assignment helped give me a better picture of how the theory works in practice.

Also, finished one of my special topics assignment. Left Energy Markets and studying for Financial Markets exams...I guess I must be getting old because I don't really feel the kind of panic I used to get when exams are near. Either that, or I'm just exhausted with all these assignments. Anyway, will be glad that it will all be over soon.

Friday 5 December 2008

Balmy Night (for Edinburgh)

It's Friday, the weather is almost balmy (for Edinburgh) with a soft breeze and clear sky. I can see the quarter moon through my bedroom window. For a Friday night, it is quiet. Probably because the exams are around the corner and everyone is starting to feel the pressure.

I've just decided I needed a break from an intensive and exhausting week. I thank God for helping me cope and keeping me sane. Emerging with at least one assignment almost done, another assignment's direction is becoming clear and yet a third half completed, I think I deserve to take this Friday night easy before plunging back to work tomorrow. My friends must be wondering what has happened to me since I've not responded to emails for the past week and a half. I'm resolved to replying to them tonight.

Anyway, this entry is just to express myself a bit and let out some thoughts and feelings that have been mulling in my head. As stressed as I was this week with so much work piled up, I enjoyed the challenge and the bond it helped built with the girls (Amy, Alexia, Bahar, Nicole, and Yiota). I've always worked better with guys but I have to say that I enjoyed my time with the girls. Well, we were crazy enough to take an hour's break this past Tuesday night when it started snowing heavily to play in the snow. The break helped us relieve our stress a bit.

On another note, my father left for Hajj on Monday night/Tuesday morning. He, along with my godmother and some other family friends, will be moving on to Mina tomorrow. I pray that God keep them safe and healthy...that He give them strength to complete this Hajj. I'm not sure when I will be called but I do hope I will be called. I long to see His House again and be granted peace and tranquility of the heart.

Eid will be here in another few days. Another Eid away from my family - a friend asked if I wished to go back to Singapore last week. I denied it, which is true to a certain extent. I wouldn't have chosen to come here if I weren't sure I would be homesick. However, I do wish I could be with my family especially on special occasions. This is true particularly for this Eid when I know my father is away and my mom and brother are alone. I'm not sure if my sister and brother will go visit them on that day since for us, Eid-ul-Adha is usually low key unlike Eid-ul-Fitr where we usually get together late morning before going visiting.

Okay, that's it for now. Will write later after all the insanity has passed.