Day 7 (14/10/2013 - 9th Dzulhijjah) - Day of Arafah
I wish we could have left Mina after Fajr as per the Sunnah of the Prophet but I understand the logistics is such that it wasn't going to happen. But alhamdulillah, we are here in Arafah, waiting for Fajr. From my spot, I can see the stars and just now, it is cool enough to be outside where I can see Orion's Belt. Masha Allah!
I am overwhelmed by the feeling of gratefulness to be here. To be given the chance to be truly part of Hajj. Ya Allah, let me always be among the grateful. Ya Allah, let me have patience over hajj. I have resolved to walk to Muzdalifah and Mina tonight. It will be a long and dusty walk but insha Allah, I will endure. Keep me safe through this journey, Ya Allah.
Oh, I forgot a thought I had on the way here: I have not been on the internet for over a week. And I rediscovered the beauty of the pen and paper again.
It is not even 10 am and it is already very hot. Masha Allah, if we can't stand this heat in the shade, what about the time when we are on the Day of Judgement? When there is no shade except those on whom Allah has mercy.
Prophet Ibrahim a.s. supplication in 26:83-85
I wish we could have left Mina after Fajr as per the Sunnah of the Prophet but I understand the logistics is such that it wasn't going to happen. But alhamdulillah, we are here in Arafah, waiting for Fajr. From my spot, I can see the stars and just now, it is cool enough to be outside where I can see Orion's Belt. Masha Allah!
I am overwhelmed by the feeling of gratefulness to be here. To be given the chance to be truly part of Hajj. Ya Allah, let me always be among the grateful. Ya Allah, let me have patience over hajj. I have resolved to walk to Muzdalifah and Mina tonight. It will be a long and dusty walk but insha Allah, I will endure. Keep me safe through this journey, Ya Allah.
Oh, I forgot a thought I had on the way here: I have not been on the internet for over a week. And I rediscovered the beauty of the pen and paper again.
It is not even 10 am and it is already very hot. Masha Allah, if we can't stand this heat in the shade, what about the time when we are on the Day of Judgement? When there is no shade except those on whom Allah has mercy.
Prophet Ibrahim a.s. supplication in 26:83-85
ربِّ هب لِّى حُكما و الحِقْنى بالصلحين واجعل لى لسان صدْقٍ في الآخرين و اجعلنى من ورثهِ جنَّة النعيم
O my sustainer, endow me with the ability to judge (between right and wrong) and make me one of the righteous and grant me power to convey the truth unto those who will come after me and place me among those who shall inherit the garden of bliss!
I was thinking about the heat and I wonder about those living on the streets, how they take to the heat and others to the cold. This makes me resolve to go for the challenge to sleep rough. Yet both conditions are temporary for me, Masha Allah! How can I not be grateful for the gifts He has given me! Ya Allah, let me be among the grateful.
Nearly 12 pm and I have resorted to leaving the tent and sitting in the blazing sun outside. The difficulty is the noises drowning out the voice within. This is alluding to our daily lives too where so many noise vie for our attention without giving us time for ourselves. Today, the day of Arafah, I had hoped for quiet time to reflect but that is my test, I believe. Alhamdulillah for this walkway for it is helping me get away. Ya Allah, how do I get away in real life? When do I take time to get away from thoughts of life to reflect on myself, my relationship with you and the rest of your creation? Help me, Ya Allah, help me.
Alhamdulillah, after dzuhur, and I am sitting outside under the shade of a tree, pilgrims all around me and birds chirping from the branches. A sister's husband brought me some zamzam water (May Allah reward them for their kindness.) Ya Allah, I saw much kindness around me this hajj which gives me hope for the Ummah. If only we can harness this kindness to change the world.
On the one hand, I wish this day would never end and on the other, I am looking forward to the other acts of hajj. Ya Allah, let me get another invitation to Your house!
The last hour before leaving Arafah. I posed the question of how we can change ourselves and the Ummah for we know that Allah does not change a person/community unless they change themselves. What are the necessary actions?
After 9 pm, alhamdulillah at Muzdalifah after walking for almost 3 hours. Masha Allah, it was worth it to walk even though now I have to ask some Indonesians if I could keep their company for some time. Not sure if I will stay for Fajr as I am not sure when they (my group) will leave for jamrah. There is still a ways to go to my camp in Mina.
Anyway, back to the walk - the energy is electrifying. You could feel what was described in the Qur'an regarding people pouring down from Arafah. Felt like you are swept away by a sea of people. But Masha Allah, there were pockets of free space that I didn't feel claustrophobic at all. Allah protected me along the way and provided for me. There were water coolers when I needed them and also bought an apple and some grapes for food.
People are still streaming in, I can see them walking past me. There are people everywhere I look and shops line the streets. Also hawkers. I left the Indonesians as I didn't feel comfortable imposing on them. Been walking and now have stopped at the border of Muzdalifah and Mina. At the African Section (Section 5). Hawkers line the street and I even saw two women cooking something in a big pot. Probably to sell tomorrow morning. Found out the Indonesians didn't belong to a camp but sleeping in the street. Not all in Muzdalifah are as lucky, I notice, as I am. Life is very different on the streets than in the 'rarified' world of the middle classes.
Alhamdulillah that I made a decision to walk. You find out the colourful nature of the world.
Nearly 12 pm and I have resorted to leaving the tent and sitting in the blazing sun outside. The difficulty is the noises drowning out the voice within. This is alluding to our daily lives too where so many noise vie for our attention without giving us time for ourselves. Today, the day of Arafah, I had hoped for quiet time to reflect but that is my test, I believe. Alhamdulillah for this walkway for it is helping me get away. Ya Allah, how do I get away in real life? When do I take time to get away from thoughts of life to reflect on myself, my relationship with you and the rest of your creation? Help me, Ya Allah, help me.
Alhamdulillah, after dzuhur, and I am sitting outside under the shade of a tree, pilgrims all around me and birds chirping from the branches. A sister's husband brought me some zamzam water (May Allah reward them for their kindness.) Ya Allah, I saw much kindness around me this hajj which gives me hope for the Ummah. If only we can harness this kindness to change the world.
On the one hand, I wish this day would never end and on the other, I am looking forward to the other acts of hajj. Ya Allah, let me get another invitation to Your house!
The last hour before leaving Arafah. I posed the question of how we can change ourselves and the Ummah for we know that Allah does not change a person/community unless they change themselves. What are the necessary actions?
After 9 pm, alhamdulillah at Muzdalifah after walking for almost 3 hours. Masha Allah, it was worth it to walk even though now I have to ask some Indonesians if I could keep their company for some time. Not sure if I will stay for Fajr as I am not sure when they (my group) will leave for jamrah. There is still a ways to go to my camp in Mina.
Anyway, back to the walk - the energy is electrifying. You could feel what was described in the Qur'an regarding people pouring down from Arafah. Felt like you are swept away by a sea of people. But Masha Allah, there were pockets of free space that I didn't feel claustrophobic at all. Allah protected me along the way and provided for me. There were water coolers when I needed them and also bought an apple and some grapes for food.
People are still streaming in, I can see them walking past me. There are people everywhere I look and shops line the streets. Also hawkers. I left the Indonesians as I didn't feel comfortable imposing on them. Been walking and now have stopped at the border of Muzdalifah and Mina. At the African Section (Section 5). Hawkers line the street and I even saw two women cooking something in a big pot. Probably to sell tomorrow morning. Found out the Indonesians didn't belong to a camp but sleeping in the street. Not all in Muzdalifah are as lucky, I notice, as I am. Life is very different on the streets than in the 'rarified' world of the middle classes.
Alhamdulillah that I made a decision to walk. You find out the colourful nature of the world.
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