Sunday 23 November 2008

The first snowfall - From Him to us (2)

Tonight, I watch the snow flakes falling furiously as I write this. At 2 - 3 am in the morning, there is a sense of peace and quiet about the campus even as the snow blankets the ground white. There is a sense that God is close. Of course I couldn't just see the snow, I had to experience it myself - so I threw on some clothes, jacket and my Sony alpha before marching downstairs to see, touch, and snap some photograph...okay, the pictures didn't turn out all that well coz I don't have my tripod and I was too cold to hold the camera steady. But watching the side of the loch turning white and the green grass disappearing under the blanket of snow, I felt a tug - winter is here. A change is happening right before my eyes. Yet, most would have slept through it, not aware of this moment, not sensing the implications...and I wonder...

How many significant events have happened in my life and I "slept" through them? How many times have God reached for me and I carried on, unaware? Have I squandered the time given to me?

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