Wednesday 2 April 2008

From Him we come, and Unto Him we return

Went to work yesterday morning and got a call from my colleague. One of our colleague's mother passed away early that morning. Since Muslims bury our dead on the same day they pass away, we decided to pay our condolences that morning.

When I was there, I found myself thinking of my late mother and my father. When my mother passed away, I felt calm, almost emotionless. I guess having four months to prepare myself and my conviction that God took her away so soon because He loves her really helped me to accept her passing. To be honest, perhaps being less close to my mother than my siblings made it easier too. I remember (after fifteen years, memories do fade) that I didn't really cry while my sister cried.

Then I thought about my father. How will I react when his time comes, i.e. if I don't go first, that is? I am very close to my father, especially after my mother's death. Will I be able to let him go as I did my mother? Will I cry or stay calm, accepting it as God's will, His test and perhaps His gift?

My mother's passing made way for my stepmother and my youngest brother. Without her passing, my father would not have married my stepmother and my brother would never have been born. Would I have wanted my mother to die? No, of course not. Would I have wanted to deny my brother his existence? Again, no. If I was given the choice between the two, which one would I have chosen? GOD's wisdom is such that there is always a reason, even though if it is hidden at the time, for an event to happen. Tragedy is not pure tragedy...triumph is not pure triumph. There is a fine balance, a beautiful wisdom that we seldom can grasp in every event in our lives. This wisdom may continue to be hidden forever or it will be revealed to us. I prayed that night of her passing that there be a silver lining...and I truly believe my stepmother and my brother are that silver lining.

Really by knowing this, I begin to appreciate that yes, I can plan and act according to the knowledge and understanding that is given to me, but I must then be able to accept if things do not go my way. This is because there are more that I don't know and are beyond my someone say, "Ours is not the only power on Earth". God's Will supercede all else. His is the Wisdom to do what is best for us, even it does not seem that way...for after all, it is from Him we come, and Unto Him we return.

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