Thursday, 30 October 2014

Gratitude on being alone

Tonight, chatting with a friend brought me to a realisation of the immensity of my buying a house here, far away from my family.  

Truly, it is therefore only my feeling that this is the best place for me and in developing my relationship with God that I am not in panic mode.  To fully realise that if anything happens, I have no one to turn to other than Him because all my support system a.k.a. my family are back in Singapore.  A friend once reminded me that even if I were to be in Singapore, I might not be able to rely on my family.  But still there is that illusion and state of presumption that your family will always be there.  Being alone on the other hand makes clear that I have no one and is dependent on His mercy.  Thus I am grateful for the people He has sent my way thus far.

More than that, I am grateful for this chance to develop my relationship with Him further.  Blessings are also the means by which He tests us.  The blessing of owning my own place, I realise is a test for me. May I always be amongst those who are always grateful and draw ever closer to Him.


Sunday, 26 October 2014

Reflection on the phrase "Indeed, from God and to God is the return"

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Dispenser of Grace

"Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un" (From God and to Him is the return)

An often used phrase amongst Muslim.  Where I come from, they use it when someone passes away.  In other parts of the world, they use it when they lose something or when calamity strikes.

But tonight as it is the last night of my stay in Shahidah's house and the beginning of another chapter in my life - that of a house owner, of putting down roots - it takes on a different meaning to me.  I actually have had the house for the past month and actually officially moved my things on the day of Hajj...three weeks ago.  I have just been dragging my heels at actually moving physically.

But why do I mention the Hajj?  It is because last year there was a lesson I learned that I need to remind myself of as I embark on this new journey.  That lesson was that I am in this world as a traveller and the best and fastest way to travel is to travel lightly...only gather the provisions that I need.  From God, I came and I am journeying to Him.  This world pulls at linger and just stay a little longer to enjoy the comfort of the known.  Just like I lingered these weeks in part due to the comfort of the known instead of braving the unknown.  To be a traveller, this past year has taught me that I cannot continue to stagnate and luxuriate in my comfort zone but take the brave step towards the Unknowable.

How, you can ask, can buying a house and putting roots down equate to taking another step in my journey back to God?  It is because this time, I am completely dependent on Him for my shelter.  No longer do I depend on my parents' love and kindness to shelter me in their house nor my housemates' kindness to share the burden nor my landlords'/landlady's kindness to rent out the place.  No, this time, I have to depend on God to provide me with my rezk (provision) to pay towards the shelter.  It was not made lightly - it was and still is scary because if anything happens, my house can be repossessed and I will be homeless.  Therefore, a trust in God is vital.

It is also a form of a challenge - a traveller should travel lightly...I always thought it meant that I should own as little as possible so that I don't become attach.  Even though I know of the story of the sufi 'student' who was living in poverty in order to renounce the world and who bade a guest to give his regards to his sheikh.  The guest found the sheikh living in a palace and was puzzled.  To be 'zuhud' does not mean that you renounce the world but that world has no hold on you.

Can I then, even as I set up and own my own house and put down roots, still be that traveller on whom the world (in the form of the house and the roots) has no hold on?  Can I make use of the house to be instead a vehicle to advance me onwards on my return journey?

Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un now takes on a different meaning - that of an ongoing journey, a journey not in time or space but in that timelessness of the soul - a journey of experiences accumulated through each decision I take, exercising the only power that God has granted to me - my free will.  Each decision unfolds to a new experience which leads to a new understanding of my relationship with Him.  And as I stand on the brink of the next experience, the fruit of my decision to buy a house, I stand in wonder and in apprehension as to what new light will be shed on this relationship.  What I can be sure of is that the return to Him is constant and continuous...that every quantum of time, I am constantly returning to Him through the unfolding of the present.

Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un.

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

On Homosexuality

This was something I wrote earlier last year at the end of my post on Surah Hud which discusses about the people of Prophet Lot, i.e. the people of Sodom.  I thought I would give this portion its own post because of what is happening in Singapore with the controversy regarding the lesbians and gay movement.


On Homosexuality:

My first encounter with homosexuality is, typically, in books.  But then, I met a friend of a friend who was a homosexual.  He was a sweet man.  Since then, I have met and known several others who are just as kind and lovely.  It therefore troubled me regarding the stand of the various religions, particularly in my own religion, against homosexuality.  It also troubled me when I find around me people who are homophobic.  To my mind, there is little engagement within the Muslim community regarding this issue...we seem to prefer burying our heads in the sand than to acknowledge that there is an issue to be resolved.

It is quite a coincidence that while I am grappling to put down my thoughts in this blog, I read a statement by Pope Francis regarding homosexuals.  Let me quote them here:

Speaking to reporters on a flight back from Brazil, he reaffirmed the Roman Catholic Church's position that homosexual acts were sinful, but homosexual orientation was not.

"If a person is gay and seeks God and has good will, who am I to judge them?"

"The Catechism of the Catholic Church explains this very well," Pope Francis said in a wide-ranging 80-minute long interview with Vatican journalists.
"It says they should not be marginalised because of this but that they must be integrated into society."

Many years ago, I attended a talk in Darul Arqam in Singapore and the speaker said something similar - that there must be a separation between the act and the person.  Based on my memory, he said that the person should not be ostracised but should be befriended and guided while in Islam, it is the act that is forbidden.

While we don't want to acknowledge it, but homosexuality and transgender issues have been there since time immemorial.  It is interesting to note that Muslim scholars in the past have tackled the issue as this paper suggested.  More than that, this paper discusses the nurture vs nature arguments put for in terms of homosexuality.

These are other writings from the Islamic perspective.

I am still grappling with the issue...but for me, one thing is clear.  People, whether they are hetero- or homo-sexuals, women or men, disabled or otherwise, which ever religion or race, should be given equal rights in society - that of the basic human rights and should be treated with respect and compassion.

I will end with a quote from the first paper I cited above:

That being so, as a Muslim who has and will continue to encounter other Muslims
struggling with homosexual thoughts and urges, it is important for the Muslim
community to approach this topic with much more empathy and less prejudgment. Our
children are now growing up in a culture where homosexual encounters and public
discourse about gay acceptance is more normative. Though we try our best to insulate
them from what we deem to be corruptive forces, there is no doubt that we won’t be
able to protect them all the time. For that reason, it is important for us to understand
homosexual psychology and the theories surrounding its genesis. It is also important to
know this information, because many of us are expected to pastor to very diverse
populations. Imams, scholars, and jurists alike have and will continue to be visited by
Muslims who seek to become whole and/or to at least figure out ways to understand
their predicament. Just as harshness with alcoholics and drug addicts can alienate and
send them deeper into their addiction, it is important that those who know we have the
capacity for an uncustomary amount of compassion to be available for our brethren,
listen with an empathetic ear, and guard their secrets so they are able to achieve a
sense of fulfillment and fullness in their lives.

Saturday, 8 March 2014

Friday, 7 March 2014

On Morality and Law - Selections from 'And God Knows The Soldiers' by Khaled M. Abou El Fadl

In the Name of God, the Most Gracious, the Dispenser of Grace.

I just finished reading the book 'And God Knows the Soldiers' by Khaled M. Abou El Fadl in its third edition.  Interestingly, it is the publication afterthoughts (the fifth chapter) which got me thinking the most.  So here, I'd like to share some snippets of the book which I thought was particularly striking.  For this particular post, I have chosen the topic which I call "Morality and Law".

From pages 144 to 147 of 'And God Knows the Soldiers', third edition:
"Muslim jurists started out with the assumption that God desires for human beings to maximize what is beautiful in life.  For instance, we know that mercy, compassion, and justice are good because they are beautiful.  These values are good and beautiful either because God made them so or because they are inherently so.  In either case, God created laws, or sanctioned the laws, that define beauty in the created existence.  These laws of beauty are not created by the Shari'ah - Shari'ah, for instance, does not define whether a flower is beautiful or ugly.  Rather, the laws of beauty are respected, accessed, and sustained by Shari'ah.  Since the Shari'ah is the Way to God, and God is the epitome of beauty, Shari'ah must, by necessity, preserve and protect beauty.  Therefore, studying analyzing beauty (or the laws of beauty) is part and parcel of studying Shari'ah.  Put differently, figuring out the laws of beauty is a fundamental part of discovering the Shari'ah itself.  The purpose of Shari'ah, according to most jurists, is to achieve the welfare of the people (tahqiq masalih or manafi' al-ibad), because the well-being and happiness of the people are part of what is good and beautiful.  As I mentioned earlier, Muslim jurists differentiated between Shari'ah, which is goodness in the abstract or ideal sense, and fiqh, which interprets and implements the Shari'ah.  Put simply, Shari'ah is the ideal and fiqh is the concrete approximation of the ideal, and therefore, Shari'ah is perfect and immutable, but fiqh is not.  So for example, Ibn al-Qayyim (d. 751/1350) argues that it is impossible for the Shari'ah to result in an injustice, and if it does then that only means that the interpretation or positive regulations giving effect to the Shari'ah were flawed.  What Ibn al-Qayyim means is that if there is a flaw, this is not because the beautiful is deficient, but because the attempt to comprehend or implement the beautiful has failed.
This paradigm becomes meaningful when we consider the purpose of the law and the logic of legal change.  If the law mandates the abstention or performance of a certain act, we must ask, is compliance demanded for its own sake or for the sake of attaining certain results?  If the law mandates compliance for its own sake, then the purpose of the law must be intrinsically beautiful or beautiful by its nature (hasan bi dhatih), otherwise we must suspect that we misunderstood the law or its purposes.  If, on the other hand, the law mandates compliance in order to attain certain results, then the law, in this situation, is a means to an end and not an end in itself.  The end must be beautiful - whether the means are beautiful or not depends on whether it is able to achieve its ends or not.  This is called hasan li ghayr dhatih.  Therefore, in every evaluative step, we must ask, is the law the law for its own sake or for the sake of a higher end?  If it is the law for its own sake, the law cannot reflect the attributes of ugliness.  If the law is the law for the sake of a higher end, then we must make sure that the law is serving its purpose.
Now, I think this is an interesting point to ponder:
Is the law in the service of morality (what is beautiful)?  Or is the law equated to morality itself or even defines morality?

What do you think?  In practice and in our lives, which weighs more for us?  The law or morality?

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Madhabs are characterised by differences of opinions?

Madh-habs are basically characterized by differences of opinions more than they are characterized by uniformity and agreement and this is why we should not follow any madh-hab.”

Before we can agree or disagree with the above statement, let us analyse the statement further.  The statement implies that the concept of ‘differences of opinions’ is bad while the concept of ‘uniformity and agreement’ is good.  The statement also implies that the main characteristic of the madh-hab is this implied negative concept of ‘differences of opinions’.  Lastly, by the logical assumption that we should embrace the good, we should reject the concept of madh-habs.

Let us tackle first the concepts of ‘uniformity and agreement’ and ‘differences of opinions’.  In the Qur’an[1], there are several verses referring to mankind’s nature of holding different opinions and divergent views such as 2:213, 2:253, 5.48, 11:118, 16:92-93, 17:84, 21:92-93, 22:67 and 23:52-54.  These verses imply that it is part of God’s will and plan that mankind should hold divergent views.  (Abou El-Fadl , 2001, p. 29) One verse in particular holds an interesting implication for our discussion:
“…Unto every one of you have We appointed a [different] law and way of life.[2] And if God had so willed, He could surely have made you all one single community: but [He willed it otherwise] in order to test you by means of what He has vouchsafed unto you.  Vie, then, with one another in doing good works!  Unto God you all must return; and then He will make you truly understand all that on which you were wont to differ.” (Qur’an, 5:58)

In Asad’s commentary, he picked up on the Qur’an’s specific use of the word ‘shir’ah’ (body of laws) and ‘minhaj’ (way of life).  Both terms imply something that varies and changes ‘in accordance with the exigencies of time and of each community’s cultural development’ (Asad, 1980, p. 153).  The history of law, including Islamic law, shows this to be true as people confront new circumstances and therefore need to address those circumstances.  For example, taking the early development of Islamic law, circumstances forced Umar al-Khattab r.a. to suspend the execution of the law of theft during the famine even though it was never suspended during the Prophet’s (s.a.w.) nor Abu Bakr’s (r.a.) time.  It led to the legal precedence of suspending such law during extra-ordinary and/or very difficult and trying circumstances in Islamic law and later to the development of the maqasid al-Shari’ah[3].  Therefore, the choice of the words used by the Qur’an is significant because it implies flexibility and adaptability which is required in order to accommodate different circumstances – not only major ones as in the case of the earlier quoted example but also individual circumstances – and also differences in opinions.

It is not just the Qur’an that acknowledges the reality of the differences in views and opinions.  Citing Al-Juwayni, Abou El-Fadl (2001, p. 10) noted the long-standing tradition of disputation and disagreement that could be traced back to the time of the Companions.  There was also a famous hadith, though its authenticity is disputed, that ‘disagreement of the ummah is a source of mercy’ (Abou El-Fadl, 2001).  Imam Malik r.a. resisted having his book, al-Muwatta’, imposed as the uniform law of the land because he upheld the view that there was no single juristic tradition/school amongst the many which have formed that have an exclusive claim to the truth.  This was so because each school based their legal opinions on only part of the entire corpus of knowledge handed down by the various Companions who settled in the various lands (Abou El-Fadl, 2001; Philips, 2006).  Each of the scholars in the various schools was exercising his/her ijtihad based on their knowledge and as the famous hadith in Sahih Muslim (Elias, 2012) goes:
Amr ibn Al-As reported: I heard the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, say, “If a judge makes a ruling, striving to apply his reasoning (ijtihad) and he is correct, then he will have two rewards; and if a judge makes a ruling, striving to apply his reasoning and he is mistaken, then he will have one reward.”
These various traditions in Islamic jurisprudence seem to indicate that the Islamic jurisprudential tradition does embrace the idea of diversity in opinions.  The Islamic jurisprudential tradition, which has striven hard to be true to the Qur’an and Sunnah, would not embrace something that runs counter to them.  Thus the idea of diversity in opinions does not run counter to these sacred sources and cannot possibly be bad.

The second assumption in the statement is that madh-habs are characterised by ‘differences of opinion’.  Is this true? First, we need to understand what a madh-hab is.  A madh-hab is a school of Islamic legal thought.  The key word here is ‘legal thought’.  Benard G. Weiss (2006, p. 22) states:
“It is a presupposition of Muslim juristic thought that the law of God has not been given to human beings in the form of a ready-made code.  Law is not sent down from heaven as a finished product.  Rather, it is something that human jurists must elaborate on the basis of textual sources.”
Again the idea here is that the jurists have to exercise their ijtihad in interpreting the textual sources of the Qur’an and Sunnah in expressing the legislation/law.  Ijtihad means hard work and each mujtahid has the responsibility to exert himself/herself to the issue even if it has already been done by others and form his/her own opinion (Weiss, 2006, p. 132).  Therefore the mujtahidis, and by extension the madh-habs they identify with and/or belong to, derive their authority from their ability to interpret the text through their hard work (Abou El-Fadl, 2001; Weiss, 2006) and due to human fallibility[4], there is the possibility of diversity of interpretation for a single issue.  Even within a single madh-hab, there is a diversity of opinions on the various issues.  Ibn Rushd in his book Bidayat al-Mujtahid wa Nihayat al-Muqtasid (1994) describes the various ikhtilaf and noted the reasons for these differences in detail.  Thus, the statement that madh-habs are characterised by differences of opinions does have some validity.

In order to understand why these differences of opinions (ikhtilaf) arise, we need to understand the methodology which the mujtahidis and the madh-habs use to interpret the sacred texts of the Qur’an and Sunnah.   The Qur’an and Sunnah are the two primary sources of Islamic law.  However, while the Qur’anic text is agreed upon, the Sunnah is not.  Even with the Qur’an, differences occur in interpreting its text.  For example, in the case of a text in the form of a command there are differences of opinion as to whether it becomes an obligation or a recommendation and similarly in the case of a text of proscription (Ibn Rushd, 1994).  As for the Sunnah, Yusuf (1996) and Duderija (2012) made the differentiation between the Sunnah and hadiths.  Both these authors emphasised that the Sunnah refers to the practices (aml) as opposed to the hadiths which is the documentation of the practices.  Simply put, as generations passed, there is a growing reliance on the hadiths to remember the Sunnah.  However, given that documentation can be falsified, there arises different ways to authenticate the hadiths – two main methodologies are those of the hadith scholars who look at the isnad and matan to prove the ‘soundness’ of a hadith as its authenticity and those of the legal theologists (usuliyyun) who look at the tawatur (the multiple channels of transmission) of the hadith to provide certainty of its authenticity.  These different methodologies, combined with the different methodologies in interpreting the text (matan) of the hadiths, naturally give rise to differences in opinions and judgement[5].  These differences of opinions and judgement have ensured a rich Islamic legal tradition and heritage, manifested by the madh-habs, which is not only able to respond to new issues but also to look at old issues with new eyes/insight[6].  Therefore, even though the madh-habs are characterised by the differences of opinions, it is a positive development within the Islamic legal tradition that allows people to adopt an opinion suited to their circumstances rather than be rigidly bound by a single, uniform code of law which impose hardship upon the people because it is not suited for their circumstances. 

Finally, we come to the crux of the statement, i.e. we should not follow the madh-habs because they are characterised by differences of opinions.  We have shown that though the madh-habs are characterised by differences of opinions, differences of opinions do not necessarily have a negative connotation and within the Islamic legal tradition, these differences are seen as a mercy for the Ummah made up of diverse communities and individuals.  So the issue of following madh-habs or otherwise should not be decided according to whether the madh-habs are rife with differences of opinions but instead we need to understand what it means to follow a madh-hab.  As mentioned before, a madh-hab is a school of legal thought.  Simply put, if we take out the current concept of madh-habs being defined by the four major schools and perhaps the salafi and ahl-hadiths, a madh-hab represents the opinions of a learned scholar.

It is inescapable that a practising Muslim is always bound by a madh-hab.  A child learning from his/her parents follows the parents’ school of thought and if he is sent to study under a teacher, then she/he is following her/his teacher’s opinions, i.e. his madh-hab.  As she/he grows older and learns from more than one teacher, he/she may then be able to understand better and formulate his/her own choices from the various different opinions…at this stage, he/she is known as a muqallaf until he reaches the stage where he/she has the necessary skills to be a mujtahid whereupon he/she is now no longer bound by the opinions of those more knowledgeable than himself/herself.  Rather than being bound, the learned mujtahid can now engage in the process and becomes one of the contributors.

One of the implications of rejecting the following the madh-habs is that we are rejecting the Islamic jurisprudential tradition with its wealth of knowledge built up through the centuries.  It is as if we are cutting down the tree with its branches, leaves and fruits in order to ‘go back to the roots’.   A gardener who wants to grow his own tree by grafting the ‘roots’ needs to be equipped with the proper skills.  Similarly in the case of the person rejecting following the madh-habs, he needs to be equipped with the necessary skills to interpret the sources and form his own opinion.  Unfortunately, this is not the case of the majority of us.  What is therefore obligatory upon us is to strive to increase our knowledge and strive to reach this level knowledge and skill if we can but until then, we should honour the efforts of the mujtahidis and our ancestors who have built the Islamic legal traditions by keeping faith with our teachers.

Abou El-Fadl, K., 2001. Speaking in God’s Name: Islamic Law, Authority and Women. England, U.K: Oneworld Publication Limited.
Abou El-Fadl, K., 2006.  The Search for Beauty in Islam. U.S.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.
Asad, M., 1980. The Message of the Qur’an. Gibraltar: Dar al-Andalus Limited.
Duderija, A., 2012. Evolution in the Concept of Sunnah during the First Four Generations of Muslims in Relation to the Development of the Concept of an Authentic HadÄ«th as based on Recent Western Scholarship. Arab Law Quarterly, 26, pp. 393-437.
Elias, A.A., 2012. Daily Hadith Online. [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 November 2013].
Hallaq, W., 1999.  The authenticity of Prophetic Hadith: A Pseudo-problem. Studia Islamica, 99, pp. 75-90.
Ibn Rushd, 1994. The Distinguished Jurist’s Primer/Bidayat al-Mujtahid wa Nihayat al-Muqtasid. Translated from Arabic by I.A.K. Nyazee. Reading, U.K.: Garnet Publishing Limited.
Philips, A.A.B., 2006. The Evolution of Fiqh: Islamic Law and the Madh-habs. Saudi Arabia: International Islamic Publishing House.
Weiss, B.G., 2006. The Spirit of Islamic Law. Georgia, U.S.: The University of Georgia Press. (Paperback ed.)
Yusuf, S.M., 1996. The Sunnah – Its Development and Revision. In: P.K. Koya, ed. 1996. Hadith and Sunnah: Ideals and Realities. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Islamic Book Trust, pp. 103-128.

[1] This paper will use Asad’s translation of the Qur’an (Asad, 1980) for any Qur’anic references.
[2] The words ‘shir’ah’ or ‘shari’ah’ and ‘minhaj’ are translated into law and way of life respectively.
[3] This famous ruling was one of the first steps towards the formulation of the maqasid of the Shari’ah where the most essential category (al-darurat) of preserving human life (as in the time of the famine) triumphs over the other essential categories, in this particular case the category is the preservation of one’s wealth and property.
[4] Both Abou El-Fadl (2001) and Weiss (2006) discuss the implication of fallibility of the jurists (mujtahid) on fiqh (Islamic law).
[5] Though not touched in this paper, amongst the secondary sources such as Qiyas, ‘Urf, Ihtisan etc, the madh-habs have always differed in their preference for these secondary sources.
[6] One such issue that caught my attention was on spousal abuse.  Here, Abou El-Fadl (2006) gave a fresh perspective on the related verses and hadiths.

Monday, 17 February 2014

Dangers of Qiyas without proper knowledge

This weekend, I had a discussion with a couple of friends regarding a Hadith about forbidding the filing of teeth, plucking of eyebrow and so forth.

There were some speculations as to whether it means whitening of the teeth and so on are also forbidden.  I stopped the speculations because of a few concerns I have with such a discussion:

1. Do we have enough knowledge to know whether the Hadith is muttawatur or ahad; and also sahih or hasan or daif?  

2.  Do we know the background of the Hadith - in what context it was said and the cause of it?  What is the underlying meaning?

3.  Were there other hadiths or verses of the Qur'an supporting or contradicting this one?  If contradicting, how do we reconcile them?

3.  When those are clarified, we then need to understand what is the 'basis' for making the qiyas (extrapolation) to other things such as whitening of the teeth etc?  What is the operative cause/reason for the qiyas?

4.  Could there be extenuating circumstances that may lead to different conclusion?  

5.  What is the impact of making the qiyas?  How wide ranging is it in terms of individual and community level?

 As I learn more about Islamic jurisprudence, the more cautious I become in these kinds of discussions.  Personally, I think we were not equipped to address the above points.  

For example, take the third point...what is the underlying reason for forbidding the filing of the teeth?  Is it because it is not healthy or because it is tempering with what God gave you or it is to beautify oneself or it is misrepresenting oneself to others?  And then we ask how do we know that the underlying reason can be applied to the other activities?

The danger is then that we apply the wrong reasoning and therefore the wrong qiyas.  In that case, we are misrepresenting what the Prophet s.a.w. intended.  And given that we didn't apply due diligence, we couldn't even say that we exercised our ijtihad.  Thus we fall into the danger of assuming a role of authority without being duly qualified for it. And in so doing, interpose our will over the Divine Will.

This little incident is just one example of how I realise, in my arrogant youth, I would have jumped to conclusions that could have had me assuming an authoritarian role in interpreting the Hadith and applying it willy nilly to what I saw fit.  Inshallah, I have learnt my lesson that my knowledge is too limited for such a task but that I should learn more towards equipping myself with the knowledge.

Wallahu 'alam.