Monday, 31 December 2012

A new year's resolution

Subhanallah! Last night's lecture by Ustadz Nouman Ali Khan on Moses (upon him be peace) in Surah Qasas about his childhood in Egypt was inspirational. And the timing of it to my trip to Egypt gives me pause...perhaps there is something to be learned in my trip that I need to pay attention to.

Also something else Ustadz Nouman Ali Khan mentioned (among so many gems) that struck me - it's been years since I asked this question and make this prayer - what is my strength and may God make use of me through this strength in His service. I think if there is one resolution this year that I should make is then to discover this strength and take every opportunity of goodness that comes my way. 

May in this coming year, we all will find our strengths and use them to benefit the world that we were tasked to take care of, oh my Lord. Amen/Ameen.

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