Saturday 18 July 2009

Trying out my new lens

Bought a new lens for my camera a few days ago - a 75 - 300 mm/f4.5-5.6 and so I had to try out the combination of both lenses on yesterday's trip to Falkland Palace and St Andrews.

Below are selections of the photos I took.

Because the day was rainy and the sky was overcast, I tried playing with B&W shots. Got this picture of one of the seabirds gliding on the winds of St Andrews.

Not sure what flower this is but I found its purple and yellow alluring.

This flower is not quite in focus - again, I don't know its name but I found it in the greenhouse of Falkland Palace.

The Falkland village is quite picturesque with flowers everywhere. Here's a clump outside the kirk.

Again, in Falkland Palace gardens, the raindrops were caught on the soft petals.

This seagull was flying overhead in St Andrews Castle.

This bird's beak is quite unique - it was hovering at eye level. I wished the rain marks on the lens didn't mar the photo.

Caught this one as it soared above the sea of St Andrews. A bit blurry but I like the feel of motion.

Falkland Palace as seen from the rose garden.

Ah, the rose...the sparkling red roses.

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