Sunday, 26 February 2012

Celebrating the birth of the Prophet (Mawlid)

For as long as I remember, my family doesn't celebrate the Mawlid though it was and still probably is a big thing in the Muslim community in Singapore. My family follow the school of thought that the Mawlid is an innovation and the Prophet s.a.w. strictly forbid innovation.

But as you know there are always two school of thoughts and each school of thoughts have their points and leading scholars on this. As I grow older (and perhaps a bit more tolerant of differences), I think I can see the points of both sides. I am no scholar but as with all Muslims, I need to be able to understand and be comfortable with my own stand on it.

So, these are my thoughts:
1. The intention to remember the Prophet s.a.w. and therefore, his teachings and Sunnah is good.
2. If the celebration of the mawlid encompass only these reminders and remembrances, then I am comfortable in participating in them.
3. There should not be excesses in praising the Prophet s.a.w. to the extend of almost deifying him as there has been in some cases.

However, if it is our intention to remember the Prophet s.a.w. and to increase our love for him, then we should be doing it daily. We should be familiarising ourselves with his stories and the stories of his family and companions throughout the year. We should familiarise ourselves with his sayings and actions. We should strive to follow those sayings and actions; take inspiration and derive lessons from his history. It should not be left to only one day or one month of the year only.

That is my thought, may Allah forgive me if I'm wrong. Wallahu a'lam.