2011 will end in a few hours and I think it is time to stop and take stock of what has taken place in my life and around me. A steady job, good colleagues and good friends are some of the blessings of this past year. Definitely my family has been the greatest blessing that God has given me.
This year has been a year of travel. From my yearly Singapore trips to the monthly trips to London and more, I've clocked more air miles and miles in the car than ever in my life. I am grateful to God for the companions He has given me on my travels. From Amy, Yiota and Alexia on my Cyprus trip to Huda, Samia, Shereen, Sumayia and Shahidah on my Birmingham trip, alhamdulillah, they have enriched my experiences. May God bless all of them for their companionship.
This year is also a year of being grateful - grateful for the little things like not being in debt, being relatively healthy, being in good company who always remind one another. Also grateful for - not being in Japan or New Zealand during the tsunami/earthquake, not being in Somalia/Horn of Africa for the famine, not being in Greece and other EU countries in grips of Sovereign crisis, not being in London during the riots, and so much more!
Oh Allah, may the new year bring my family, my friends and me closer to You. May next year bring us closer to one another as well. May next year also allow us enough to contribute enough to the wellbeing of our communities. May we be better people next year than we are this year. Ameen.